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Solo travel seems so scary but I have fallen in love with it. Do not get me wrong I am happily married and do miss my husband. But I can see myself doing more solo travel in my future. This year, I experienced both types of solo travel, first as a single holiday with 27 other people experiencing a tour called Charms Of The Baltic in Latvia and Lithuania. Then a completely solo travel as I ended up travelling to Austria, Slovakia and Poland on my own. I organised my flights, transfers, excursions. And what surprised me was that I loved it. I did everything that I wanted to do. It felt like freedom.

solo travel

My friend and I was talking about solo travel the other day. She went travelling after university and went around the world and for her it was the right time. I did not take that path. When I finished at university, my husband and I both got full time jobs and a mortgage. But now for me, the little tastes I have had makes me want to do more. So I am going to indulged myself. I found lots of single traveller tours with Cox’s and Kings and Riviera Travel. That I am very interested in and at no extra cost for a single supplement either. That is a big bonus, as otherwise it t can make the trips very expensive. Now I am aware that a lot of these solo traveller tours are filled with elderly people. But you do not have to spend all day with them. You just have to remember, life is what you make it. It is your holiday, and if you want to go off. Tell your guide if you have one and enjoy exploring. But I have such interesting conversations with elderly men and women. And the manners I have experienced by elderly men in their 70’s and 80’s I have never been treated so well even by husband. Due to my mobility issues, they have helped me get off coaches. Taken photos for me when I have been unable to get up stairs to view things. It has been a nice change. I am next doing a Russia trip somewhere I have dreamed about for years !

My Thoughts On Solo Travelling

  • I loved the freedom that I had when I was on my own: there’s no need to make concessions, or miss out on something you want to do because the other person doesn’t want to. No need to appease a friend’s unfortunate craving for an overpriced burger and fries, or their incessant complaints about mosquito bites in a jungle. As a lonesome wanderer you travel where you want, when and however you want to – all with a liberating degree of indulgence. There is no need to compromise when travelling alone.
  • Lone travellers are less intimidating. You are more likely to be approached by curious locals or fellow travellers. Such encounters could open up unexpected travel experiences.
  • If you’re still nervous, don’t leave finding friends to chance, book a tour. Small group adventure trips are often largely comprised of solo travellers; whether they are single or are simply travelling without their other half. Ask your tour operator the breakdown of your group before you leave. You can also opt to share a room/tent with a traveller of the same sex, to keep costs down. You’ll be with like-minded people and may well come away with some friends for life.
  • If tours don’t appeal, you don’t have to stay on one forever. Perhaps start with a short guided jaunt to help orientate yourself, then spend some time travelling independently afterwards – you may even meet a future travel buddy on your tour. Bear in mind, though, that you don’t have to stay with the first ‘buddy’ you come across – this is your trip: if they prove incompatible or downright annoying, go your own way.
  • Safety can be a concern when travelling solo – there’s no one to watch your back. But that doesn’t mean you’re destined for disaster. Use your common sense – if a situation feels uncomfortable, get out of it. Make sure someone (your hotel, a park ranger, your family back home) knows where you’re going. Keep cash and copies of your important documents in multiple places, so you always have a back up. Lie if necessary: tell that slimy taxi driver that you’re waiting for your beefy boyfriend.
  • Ultimately, travelling solo can be uplifting, eye-opening, occasionally lonely, sometimes tough but never, ever dull.
  • Distance makes you appreciate the people who matter most in your life back home. Especially those you’ve taken for granted.

That is why I will try and book a solo trip. My husband only wants to travel long haul every other year. Who knows where or what my family and friends will want to do. The beauty of solo travel is booking a trip when you want to go to. No compromises and you will love it  – I know I did !

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