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April and May 2023 have been so different for me.


This month I have been so ill with an infection for half of the month. I spent Easter with my family and two days later I came down so rough. What did not help was the gas replacement work in our road started. The noise for three days while they dug through clay mud and it gave so many nasty headaches. But by the end of the week they took out the gas for over six hundred homes for three days

Then they left our road for three weeks and various head office people and I mean a lot came around to inspect the holes and constantly taking pictures. I spoke to the three gas men who worked on our road and asked a lot of questions. You have to remember that they worked on our single road for four weeks. I found out a lot of things about the gas system, and I love learning new things.

My exercise is not daily but I walk around this estate and the gas men would stop and talk to me.

At home, I sorted out more to declutter, two boxes and three bags for charity and slowly organised a little more in my home. Its is very slowly getting there but I am not bothered. I am not in a rush, I will do it in my own pace.

Daily, I tried to walk around within a week of five days. A walk to the library, to the local shops or just around where I live. But my rheumatoid body does not like this. So will have to stop this and try every other day or every third day.

I felt myself coming out of hibernation at the end of  this month, and I think this while be my life. From November to May, I will hibernate, full of illness and then emerge back out in the spring.


In Home Bargains, I finally found an ankle support memory foam that my rheumatoid doctor told me to try. Its a hit and miss for me though. Then the gas men came to finally finish the work in our road. And thankfully it was  finished by the second week of this month.

I went travelling again in the UK, I travelled first to Lincoln. Where we visited the Cathedral and Castle. We were so lucky to see the Magna Carta too.

april and may 2023

Then off to Sheffield for my nephews event. The reason we were in Yorkshire. I did a little exploring in Rotherham but Sheffield was closed off due to the King’s coronation events.

Then home and exhausted. I spent the next few days recovering. My husband the following weekend, went to Portugal for his motorbike event with his friends. I spent the weekend reading Spare, by Prince Harry. Then unexpectedly I got back in fashion. I used to buy a lot of clothes when I used to work. But in the last five years, I have not brought a lot, except for pajamas. As I am ill between November and the April for the last six years. This was the dress I brought, a classic in petite size for summer that I will keep for years.

Then at the end of the month, I decluttered two more big bags of summer things. Happy for them to go.

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