phnom penh


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Eventually we arrived in Phnom Penh after our delayed flight and we got to our hotel room at 7 pm. We stayed at the centrally located Palace Gate Hotel for two nights on bed and breakfast. Within forty five minutes after waiting for our suitcase I passed out and woke up nine hours later.

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I slept horribly and felt awful. The breakfast was horrible for me too. This day our only day in Phnom Penh was not looking out to be a good one. The hotel was so beautiful looking back. I just wished we had an extra day. I really wanted to try out the pool.

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Our first visit was to the Royal Palace with its silver pagoda. This is where I started to struggle and I had to sit out the talk. And this boy came and found me and sat with me.

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As our hotel was across the road. I returned to take some steriods. I knew I needed them to get through the day. We then went onto Phnom Penh National Museum.

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And I made the decision to sit out visiting this museum, I wanted to conserve my energy for the Prison and Killing Fields. We next visited the Tuol Sleng Museum, originally a school, turned into the country’s most notorious prison by the Khmer Rouge, it now charts the terrible suffering during their occupation of the city. This place was horrific and eerie. And it really made me think about the world we live in. It was such a tragedy what happened there.

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Then a lunch at the Banana Tree and another big menu. One of the waitress said to me, that I do not eat much. But I do not eat a lot. It is just not in my nature to have a big lunch. I had also brought my wheat free snacks with me.

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And afterwards we had a short stop back at the hotel as there was an optional tour to the Killing Fields. About forty minutes from central Phnon Penh. Choeug Elk was where prisoners were transferred from the prison to be executed. All prisoners were hand bounded and blind folded before their execution. 7th January 1979 one hundred and twenty one mass graves were discovered, over eight thousand nine hundred and eighty five corpses were discovered. This was interesting and another horrific history lesson to learn.

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Our guide walked us around the site telling us what had happened. They also had illustrations showing us also what happened.

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Then we entered the temple where we found the skulls, bones and weapons found in the graves.

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And then the heavens opened and we had torrential rain. And that was the end of our only day in Phnom Penh. I am pleased I got to see what I did.

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